Ljubica Ruben, founder, owner and Managing Partner
Ljubica Ruben, founder, owner and Managing Partner

Mens Legis, rated a top-tier law firm in Macedonia, provides world-class legal support for local and international individuals and companies operating in the country. Ljubica Ruben, founder, owner and Managing Partner, launched Mens Legis in Skopje in 1995 as Macedonia’s first law firm. She studied in the US as well as in Europe and has a clear understanding of the needs of international investors. Mens Legis now has two offices in Macedonia, one in Skopje and one in Ohrid.

Mens Legis has participated in most of the major local and cross-border transactions in Macedonia, dealing with the largest local companies and investors. The firm is particularly active in due-diligence and has worked in collaboration with international law firms on large due-diligence projects relating to the privatisations of state-owned companies in Macedonia’s energy and telecom sectors. Other recent projects for Mens Legis include advising Telecom Slovenije on its €190 million acquisition of Cosmofon.  The firm often partners with leading international funding organisations, including the EBRD.

Ljubica Ruben, who is well known in Macedonia’s business world, and Mens Legis are a driving force behind improvements in Macedonia’s regulatory environment. She explains, “We are helping to improve Macedonia’s legislation, make it more business-friendly and ensure that regulations are implemented.”

Essential partner for foreign investors

Mens Legis has also positioned itself as an essential local partner for foreign investors in Macedonia. As Ljubica Ruben says, “We offer transparent services which meet high international standards. We are against corruption and favouritism of any kind, and our special personalised services set us apart from other firms.”

The firm is determined to help its clients to achieve their goals and much more. Ljubica Ruben says, “We are guided by a desire to exceed our clients’ expectations about legal services by thinking a few steps ahead and approaching the questions with a wider perspective. We think outside the box. We aim to provide answers before a question is raised.”

In addition to providing top-quality legal support for its clients, the firm assists investors through offering information about Macedonia’s legal environment, including changes in regulations. It also has a policy of focusing on preventive law to avoid recourse to Macedonia’s court system. Mens Legis combines in-depth local knowledge, experience and the highest professional standards and skills, which ensures that its clients’ interests are served in the best possible way in the shortest possible time.


Mens Legis
Bul. Sv. Kliment Ohridski 54/3-2
1000 Skopje
Tel: +389 2 3126 462
[email protected]