Maruping Dibotelo, Chief of Justice
Maruping Dibotelo, Chief of Justice

Chief of Justice Maruping Dibotelo discusses Botswana’s legal system and highlights the protection the system offers to international investors. He also describes a new judicial initiative to control corruption as well as his goals for the legal system.

European Times: Can you give us an overview of Botswana’s legal system?

Maruping Dibotelo: Botswana’s constitution, introduced in 1966 when the country achieved its independence from Britain, ensures the rule of law in Botswana. According to our constitution, every person has equal rights to legal protection in this country.

European Times: What protection does the judicial system provide for international investors in Botswana?

Maruping Dibotelo: Botswana has put laws in place to protect investors, and foreign investors will receive fair and equal treatment in our courts. Our judicial system is rapid and fair, and it has achieved impressive results. We pride ourselves on settling disputes as quickly as possible, generally within 18 months. We have implemented computerised systems to speed up our processes. To further improve the efficiency of our courts, we would like to invest in new equipment and technologies such as real-time reporting equipment, as well as in training local people to employ and service these new tools. We welcome the support of investors in the EU.

European Times: Many foreign investors fear they will encounter corruption in Africa. What are you doing to prevent corruption in Botswana?

Maruping Dibotelo: We have developed an impartial system which focuses on transparency. I have now assigned a Judge to fast track corruption cases. We need to have our best-trained people working to conquer corruption.

European Times: What are your goals for Botswana’s legal system over the next five years?

Maruping Dibotelo: One of the tasks of Botswana’s legal system is to administer and enforce the necessary laws to ensure that the general these elections are fair and meet all legal standards. Our overall responsibility is to make sure that people can trust Botswana’s legal system. We will continue to strengthen the system through investment and training and we will be proactive in keeping our court system just and fair. We will always support the rule of law and we will continue to fight corruption. Any legal system will always face challenges and there will always be criminals, but we are committed to providing a fair, just legal system which earns the trust of the people of Botswana.