SC Electroconstruct Elecon SA Brasov (Elecon) broke away from the state giant Electrica and became a private corporation shortly after Romania transitioned into a free-market economy in the early 1990s. With a focus on building electrical infrastructure, Elecon client base encompasses nearly everyone, from government entities to homeowners, SMEs to large corporate operations.

With a particular specialization in construction and civil engineering and the ability to design complex electrical installations, Elecon has built a reputation over the years as a trusted partner in Brasov and the surrounding areas. The company recognizes that its strength lies in its ability to complete a wide variety of projects ranging from simplistic to extremely complex, but is keen to focus on the latter. Elecon’s Director General, Guta Bradut, explains, “We’re looking for challenging projects. We want to focus on projects that require special attention.”

Mr. Bradut believes that the key to the organization’s continued growth lies in continuous development, both in terms of its technology and its human capital, as well as internal investments. “Investing in technology is important to us because obviously we won’t be able to function with outdated technology from a decade ago,” he points out. “But our investments also need to focus on people and making sure our staff understand how to utilize this new technology. We’re seeking professional training, not just the technicians, but for absolutely everyone.”

The firm is particularly focused on helping Elecon’s clients achieve energy efficiency. “We’d like to really focus on how to make sure the installations that we build are built efficiently so that our clients save money on their energy costs,” Mr. Bradut explains.

Energy efficiency can also provide a platform for organic growth in the organization. “Within the provided services sector of our business, there’s not a whole lot of an opportunity to grow,” Mr. Bradut points out. “However, in the energy saving sector, there’s tremendous opportunity because it’s something everyone is interested in.” Elecon has identified several ways to capitalize on this opportunity, including providing consulting and maintenance services to existing and future clients.

Mr. Bradut is passionate about encouraging foreign direct investment into Brasov, as well as Romania at large. “I have a saying with my employees: if it’s good for the company, it’s good for the employees. You can also apply this on a larger scale: if it’s good for the country, it’s good for the company.”


Arad, Str Biruinţei F.N. 310428

Telefon: 0040.257.280047
Fax: 0040.257.280047
E-mail: [email protected]

Top management

Francis Demeter – director general
Telefon: 0744 56 88 16
Email: [email protected]